Tuesday 9 October 2007

Peggle Weggle!

Well, I just discovered evidence for the fact that Than is a bored housewife, and that he has a degree in Geometry from the University of Smart-arse. Which is why I was with him for more than 5 years, actually. And he's also an escapist that lets great chunks of time disappear into thin air, which is kind of why I split up with him. And he also finds cool stuff on the web for me to look at, which is why I'm still good friends with him.

There's a video-review-thingy here, by an awesome Aussie-Brit who calls himself Yahtzee, concerning the game Peggle - the new and cool way to lose amazing amounts of time in a kewl way, which Than spent many-an-hour tinkering with last May, eventually getting through all of the Challenges in it and convincing the Geekfish that he's cool.

I'm not caught up in it (yet?), but I do think it's pretty cool. Way cool, in fact, since we first heard about it through PC Zone, the Digital Coolness Bible.


Than Blu said...

Damn typos!

As I was saying...

"And he's also an escapist that lets great chunks of time disappear into thin air, which is kind of why I split up with him".

Funny. One could argue that, maintain two blogs and blogging like a bunny on speed can be classified as an enormous waste of time.

And for the record, I spent less time playing Peggle than you playing spider solitaire which is, if I'm not mistaken, the poster boy for housewife games. At least Peggle has an end and I can share my experience with other gamers. You can share yours with your mum :)

BunnyDee said...


*Curtsies in acknowledgement*